Mughol Rulership (1576-1757)

After Pathan rulership the Mughal establishe their large Kingdom with huge area in this sub-continen. Glorious king of Mughal King Akbar (1556-1605) first assigned penal to run his rulling Baro Vhauya king Protapaditto then ruled. Enayet Khan was the first penal of Jashore then Sorforaz Kha, Nurbollov Kha became the penal.In Nobabi rulership (Murshid Kuli Khan 170-1726) Setaram Ray ruled Jashore.Mohammadpur was his capital.When he strike again Nobab, the Noba sent army against him and he lost.After the fall of Setaram Jashore divided into many manor.At the last of sixteenth century a trusted fellow of Doud of Gour Srihori declared the fredom and establisheda free kingdom known as Moharaza Bikromaditto given by Doud king of Gour.Issorpur and Trekati was Bikromaditto's capita. He died in 1583.After some years of his death in 1587 his son took the power of governane and his name was Gopinath,Prothapaditto was his designation.Gumghat of Sundarbans area was his capita.In 1400 king Nasir Sha  sent a saint Dorvesh Khan Jahan A 

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